Photographs of Ahrend Torrey by Jonathan Dacula
This Is the Very Moment You Have
—this moment swelling like a bulb
before your eyes, holding sun
slowly illuminating the blinds.
Do you hear the wren
through the thin window-glass?
This is the moment you're holding
air in your lungs, in whatever condition,
you're alive, you're alive.
Lean in close, let me whisper some-
thing very important into your ear
—you've arrived, you've arrived.
From THIS MOMENT, Pinyon Publishing
Official Website of Ahrend Torrey's Poetry, Including the Latest Release
(May 2024)
{later versions are published in the books below}

Ahrend Torrey (he/him) is the author of This Moment (Pinyon Publishing, 2024); If it's darkness we're having, let it be extravagant: The Jane Kenyon Erasure Poems (Pinyon Publishing, 2024); For What Are the Blossoms Reaching? (Limited Artist's Edition, American Academy of Bookbinding, 2023); Ripples (Pinyon Publishing, 2023); Bird City, American Eye (Pinyon Publishing, 2022); and Small Blue Harbor (Poetry Box Select, 2019). His work has appeared in Denver Quarterly; North Dakota Quarterly; Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature; Slippery Elm Literary Journal; storySouth; The Greensboro Review; The Perch (a journal of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, a Program of the Yale School of Medicine); The Westchester Review; Welter; and West Trade Review, among others. He is a recipient of the Etruscan Prize awarded by Etruscan Press, and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize several times. He lives in Chicago with his husband, Jonathan; their two rat terriers, Dichter and Dova; and Purl, their cat.